Thursday 9 June 2016

Coconut Cookies


1. Maida                            1 1/2 cup
2. Butter                            70 g
3 .Sugar(powdered)          1/2 cup
4. Vanilla Essence             1/2 tsp
5. Coconut(grated)            1/2 cup
6. A pinch of salt
7. Milk                                4-5 tsp


1. Pre-heat the oven at 350C/180F for ten mins.
2. Take the butter and sugar in a bowl. Beat them until you get a creamy mixture. Do not over beat.
3. Add Vanilla Essence and salt to the above mixture.
4. Sieve the maida twice. So that you do not get any lumps.
5. Mix the maida and the grated coconut in to the butter mixture.
6. If required add warm milk.
7. Leave the batter aside for 5 mins.
8. Then make small balls and pat them in the shape of a cookie or you can use cookies cutter.Make holes on them using tooth pick.
9. Grease the trays with butter and sprinkle little bit of maida.
10. Remove the extra maida from the tray .
11. Place these cookies on the tray. Put them in the oven for about 20-25 mins.
12. Once they are ready cool them for 5 mins.

Your cookies are ready.....

1. Remove the brown part of the coconut and then grate it.
2.If you feel the cookies didn't turn brown leave them for another 5-10 mins. But please keep an eye on them.
3. Use butter at room temperature.


  1. good initiative :) will promote in my fb page also :) great going sweet sissy <3

  2. Thanks for the recipe Kajal.. I tried it today and it came out well..
