Friday 3 February 2017

Crisp Corn and Palak lollipops

This stater is very healthy and tasty too…
We know spinach is rich in Iron . Kids are fussy when it comes to food. Including spinach this way will not only be tastier but healthy as well.
This is very easy and quick to make.


1. Sweet Corn           1cup
2. Palak              1/2cup
3. Onion                1
4. Green Chili            1-2
5. Cheese               1/4 cup
6. Maida+Cornflour batter  1/2cup
7. Bread Crumbs          as required
8. Lemon Juice            2 drops
9. Wheat flour/Maida      2tbsp(for binding)

1. Boil sweet corn until soft. Cool them completely and then grind them roughly.

2. Finely chop palak. Then in a bowl mix sweet corn, palak, onion, green chill, cheese, lemon juice and salt.
3. Finally add 2 tbsp maida /wheat flour and form a dough. It will little sticky. No worries just roll them into small balls.

4. Take oil in a kadai to fry these balls.
5. Mean while dip these balls in the maida+cornflour batter and roll them on bread crumbs.
6. When the oil is really hot fry these balls until golden brown.

They are crisp outside and very soft from inside.
Please try…It was really tasty.

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